Thursday, April 24, 2008


Read "Away from the "icebergs" and "To a temporary place in time...". Lots of food for thought.

The "icebergs" article made me rethink the traditional "library" ... no longer just a place to do some research or get a good book to read. Information is easier and less expensive to obtain, forcing us to take a look at the traditional notion "of a library collection". There's just so much information available.

"To a temporary place in time" reminds us that "librarians today are not just inventory management biobots". Instead, "they are people with a unique understanding of the documents they compile and catalog, and the relationships among those documents." When the author mentioned that "libraries are not mereley in communities, they are communities", I immediately thought of OCL and all we do for and with our communities; and how the nature of libraries have changed over the years.

Library 2.0 - particularly liked the idea of library users being able to have a greater impact on sevices provided by libraries.

But right now, I'm looking forward to going home, getting a cup of tea and reading a good old-fashioned book...

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