Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hard to believe I've come to the end of this phase of my 'technology discovering' journey. Now that I've been exposed to so much information (really just the tip of the iceberg), I know this journey will continue. Participating in Web 2.0 has proved to be an eye opener in more ways than I could ever have imagined.

My favorite things: Discovering Pandora, Podcasts and ListenNJ
Least favorite things: Sometimes the information was overwhelming...so much to look at.

Nothing was particularly difficult to figure out even for this technophobe. Although, I must admit, there were a couple of times I thought about throwing in the towel. Some of the "Things" were a challenge to complete - I had to do homework! But I was not going to quit...I knew I would regret it. I was blessed with enthusiastic mentors who urged me on and shared their thoughts about their particular interests, which in turn led me to discoveries I might never had experienced except for this challenge. It was fun sharing Pandora and ListenNJ with family and friends.

"What a long, strange trip it's been."

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